The senior high yearbook is still looking for baby and childhood photos of our senior class! Submission deadline is February 3. To contribute photos, visit www.buytheyearbook.com and enter school code 722038.

Follow EWG sports schedule

Yearbooks and yearbook ads are on sale until April 1, 2025. Reminder to senior parents: we are looking for childhood photos! Please submit these by February 3. To purchase yearbooks or ads, or to share photos, please visit www.buytheyearbook.com and enter school code 722038.

EWG's Class of 2025 is hosting a "Breakfast with Santa" event for the EWG Community! What can you expect: Breakfast (pancakes, sausage, bacon, fruit), pastry table, hot chocolate bar, decorating donuts (courtesy of Honey Dew Donuts), raffles, apparel sale, crafts, and additional vendors. And of course — a photo opportunity with Santa!
Adults - $15; children - $10; infants free. See flyer to RSVP for a 9am breakfast time or a 11 am breakfast time. Proceeds support the senior class

2025 Excalibur yearbooks are now on sale! Visit https://www.buytheyearbook.com/en/ and enter school code 722038 to purchase your copy. Senior congratulation ads and business ads may also be purchased. Buy during the month of December to receive a discount!

If you have an announcement to be read in the morning and emailed to parents, please fill out this form. This will be helpful for anyone who wants to supply info on games, events etc. Coaches, students and parents can also provide us with information to post. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdNabQs8rQGthwCWMQfm2_gG8k_7jnQsifJ6GlvJ_CmJ_TTgQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

The SPOOK is coming…
Friday, October 25
Join us, if you dare, in the
Art Loft Gallery from 2 to 7 pm
for a frighteningly good time
2 - 2:15pm: Live performance featuring the jr and sr high chorus and chamber singers
2:15 - 6:15pm: Viewing of artwork- Voting for “People’s Choice” award
Spooky activities including Arts & crafts, a Bake sale, Basket raffles
and 8th grade art class Custom sticker sale
4:30- 6:30 Ron from Balloon Creations Galore
6pm: Costume competition judging for the title of “Best Costume”
prizes will be awarded in 2 age groups (0-8th grade and high school-100! 😉)
6:15pm: Artwork prize winners announced
Awards will be given for artwork in the following categories:
Most Aesthetic
Best Fantasy
Best Horror
Best Cross-Curricular

The annual background reading assignment for EWG Senior High has been published! All senior high students should choose a book from their grade-level list and complete a project, due the first day of the 2024-25 school year. For details, please visit the English Department website. https://sites.google.com/ewg.k12.ri.us/ewg-english/annual-background-reading

On a beautiful, sunny, summer-like day students from the Senior High School worked under the direction of Sam Jackson, Director of River Education for the Blackstone Valley Tourism Council (BVTC), to remove the invasive water chestnut species along the Blackstone River and in the Valley Falls marsh area. Lana Allababidi, Andrew Blanchard, Ellise Fuller, Sam Gordon (and friend Kaleb), Katherine Larned, Sadie Ray, Jason Siniscalchi (and Ms. St. George), and Rose Wildes kayaked from the Broad Street Bridge in Central Falls up the Blackstone River to the impacted area. Undeterred by the laborious task, the students removed close to 600 lbs of the water plant, which was either landfilled or incinerated. The BVTC Support Crew was impressed by the student's efforts and grateful for the time spent helping to preserve and restore the river and marsh ecosystem.

This week, Physical Science students launched their final project of the year: Homemade Water Rockets!

As we begin Senior Week at EWG, it is my honor and pleasure to Officially introduce to the entire community the Class of 2024 Co-Valadictorians Emma Mears and Katelyn DiPietro.
Both have a strong work ethic, a history of taking some of the most rigorous courses, belong to just about every honor society, volunteer for anything and everything asked of them, and have such a positive outlook and academic drive. Congratulations to both distinguished young women.

Senior Port Art Show!

EWG 2024 eCar racing competition https://youtu.be/l5mzO5cYvkI?feature=shared

We will have a POP-up EWG High School Plant Sale in the school greenhouse today from 6 pm to 8:30 pm. Proceeds from tonight will go towards our horticulture and band programs. We have grown a mix of annuals, perennials, herbs, hanging baskets, and vegetable transplants.

Congratulations to our EWG Senior High Unified Basketball Team for winning the Division II Basketball Championship on Saturday at Bishop Hendricken!
You showed such determination and sportsmanship! You are the definition of a unified team! Congratulations team!

Earlier this week, the EWG Wind Turbine Team participated in Minnesota's KidWind World Wind Turbine Competition. All teams performed well: Wind Soup earned a Wind Champion Top Performer Award, and Wacky Wavy Inflatable Windmen earned a Blade Engineer Award!!! Thank you so much to everyone who has supported the team, especially Ms. Nancy Roth, Howes Lubricator, Twisted Pizza (Coventry), and Our Kids Farm (Exeter)!!!
Congrats EWG Wind!!!!

Today at 2pm is your last chance to catch a Fantastic performance of Alice In Wonderland at EWG High School! Last night our Jr and Sr high drama club brought us all into Wonderland! Thank you to everyone that came out to see the show - If you haven't made it yet, TODAY is your last chance! Senior sendoff at the close of the show for our two amazing seniors, Devon Cranston and Trisha Gardner ! Hope to see you there!!

Our Annual EWG Horticulture Plant Sale will be open on May 4th and May 11th from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. in the greenhouse! Our students have been working hard, learning to grow and manage all of the plants this semester. We have grown a wide selection of annuals, perennials, hanging baskets, door baskets, herbs, and vegetables. Hope to see you there!

EWG's Sadie Ray won Best of Show this year in the 2024 Rhode Island Junior Duck Stamp competition!
Her artwork has been sent off to national judging this week to compete with the Best of Show winners from every other state. We should hear more in a few days! Although Sadie is currently enrolled in Drawing 2, she completed this incredible colored pencil drawing mainly on her own time, and she showed such dedication!

Our EWG Unified Basketball Team defeated North Kingstown in a fantastic game during the school day! What incredible sportsmanship was shown by both of these teams! Congratulations EWG!!