Wawaloam Families,
Currently, we have 188 families that participated in the Survey Works survey and are able to participate in the gift certificate raffle. Please help us reach our participation goal of 100% by the end of this month. It's not too late!! If you are a NEW participant email us or send in a note to let us know you took the survey so you can be added to the raffle.
This will be our last big push to try to increase the number of families participating in the school survey distributed by the RI Department of Education. These survey results are used for many purposes! We are able to look at your responses and know where our strengths lie and where we need to work harder. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and your participation is essential. Make sure your voice is heard. You can take the short survey online until the window closes on March 31. To take the survey visit:
Click on this link or go to http://bit.ly/ridefamilyily Select Wawaloam School > Take the survey or
Scan the QR code
Mrs. Marino

So much fun on day 101!

The best way to be informed about school closings, delays, and early dismissals is through the RI Broadcasters Association Alert Messaging Program. Click on the link below to update your current information or to register for Alert Messaging to your cell phone and/or email. Be notified immediately when there is a cancellation, delay or emergency message relating to your child's school.
LINK: https://my.textcaster.com/asa/Default.aspx?ID=6d6b22e1-242f-46b3-ae4f01582e9a14c Email DGuisti@ribroadcasters.com or LNeedham@ribroadcasters.com or call RIBA at 401.255.8200 if you have any questions on registering. NOTE: Rhode Island Broadcasters Association does not share your cell phone information.

Mrs. Gagner's Distance Learner's decorating hearts for the Great Kindness Challenge!

Exeter – West Greenwich School District Kindergarten Registration 2021-2022
February 1- April 30
Tuesday through Thursday
Hours 10:00 am-2:00 pm
Registration packets are available online at our website: http://wawaloam.ewgrsd.org/ or Wawaloam School

Dear Wawaloam School Community,
We know that moving to Distance Learning is not what we would choose for our students, but it was the best decision. Since Thanksgiving, we have had more confirmed staff cases of Covid and thankfully additional staff/student quarantine measures were not required because our school was closed during their infectious periods.
However, with additional staff members testing positive and their return to school dates from quarantine scheduled throughout next week- staffing will continue to present a challenge at Wawaloam School.
For that reason, we are continuing the Distance Learning status for Wawaloam for next week and will have a return date for in-person learning on Monday, December 14. This date is assuming there are no additional confirmed cases that make opening and staffing our school a challenge.
This decision was made this morning and we wanted to get this information to you as soon as possible for planning purposes. We appreciate your understanding and recognition that this decision is made in the best interest of the health and safety for our school community.
Melissa Marino


Bus Schedules have been published on the district website. https://www.ewgrsd.org/o/ewgrsd/browse/38289

Summer Kindergarten Registration at Wawaloam School Every Tuesday and Thursday from 9:00-2:00. Registration packets are available at http://wawaloam.ewgrsd.org and completed packets may be returned in the Bee mailbox outside of the front doors at Wawaloam School or in person during registration hours.

Here are the materials we are passing out in case you would like to print them out yourself.
Kindergarten Packet https://drive.google.com/open?id=1k3tLJuW_qcaXAhBAPKrf7YAFvEJBX5V6
1st Grade Packet https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mo4xcNhURwagNpy4s_GBjHfc6tIdPR31

Best Maintenance Employees ever! When you love your job it shows! Thank you for building a snowman for our little friends~

Johnny the K

Field Day Monday-
Don’t Forget
Sneakers Sunblock and Water

If you have some extra time on your hands with this rainy day, consider having your child work on the
illustration of their teacher for our Wall of Fame to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week!
Already finished with that? Don't forget our specialists, they would love a picture too!
Mr. DeCastro (Mr. D) PE/Health
Mr. Anzelone (Mr. A) PE/Health
Mrs. Scheff Music
Ms. Beaulieu Art
Mrs. Gagner Library
Mrs. Blake and Mrs. Ward Reading Specilaists
Ms. Marx School Psychologist
Mrs. Larkin Nurse
Mrs. Bannon Speech
Teacher Assistants- Mrs. Bonner, Mrs. Pastore, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Moriarty, Mrs. Searle, Mrs. Fichter

Remember to vote . . .
2019 – 2020 SCHOOL BUDGET
FROM 7:00 A.M. TO 8:00 P.M.
Please bring canned goods and Pasta when you vote on Monday!

Congratulations Christine Petrarca on your Golden Apple Award!