Spring is right around the corner! When it's time to clean, please consider supporting the EWG Debate Team's community yard sale. Please click the link below for more information. https://tinyurl.com/ycmubu7h

Congratulations to EWG art students who won awards at Hera Gallery's Young Adult Exhibition this past Saturday night!
First Place Painting: Mercedes Smith
First Place Sculpture: Grace Dallas
Honorable Mention Black and White Drawing: Katie Lagergren

Reminder: After emailed, Daily Announcements are posted to Senior High Web site: See link below. https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSuiijvh1VN8pVNV0bKqqQMMQNFpNSEbBQsWD7RUcDnc5Z5zFtQMyjz0WelzC1DUpfhZ4BnPc44yVkB/pub

Friday is the last day for interested juniors to apply for the PrepareRI internship program! Please stop by guidance for a QR scan card linking you to the application if interested!

Congratulations to Nikolas Angell, Malinda Fry and Nick Powers on passing the DriveWorksXpress Training and Certification and becoming ‘Certified DriveWorksXpress Associates’! This is a great achievement as they join an elite group of the only 5 high school students in the WORLD to have achieved this certification. Way to make EWG proud!!

It is that time of year again for school alerts regarding closings due to weather. However, the RIBA system is used for other school closings as well. If you have not signed up for a text or email alert, the following link https://my.textcaster.com/asa/Default.aspx?ID=6d6b22e1-242f-46b3-ae4f-e01582e9a14c can be used. This is our method of letting you know when school is closed or delayed. You can also find the information on turnto10 or your favorite local stations.
We begin exams this Thursday, 1/17. They run up and including next Wednesday 1/23. Monday, 1/21 the school is closed. Please plan to pick up your students from 11:00 AM on each day of exams. They should be in silent study each day in the library and will be released when you arrive to pick them up. If you are not here right at the close of each exam session, just text them when you arrive. If you have any questions, please feel free to call or email.
Parent conferences will be held on March 7 from 5-7 at the high school. There will be more information when the date gets closer.
For planning purposes, April 9, 2019, all grade 10 students will be taking the PSAT and the grade 11 students the SAT and must report to school at the regular time. Both tests are mandatory state assessment requirements. The students taking the SAT and PSAT will be released at the completion of the testing period. Lunches will be available at the end of the session and students may take the regular scheduled buses at 1:37 if they do not have a ride when the testing period is over.
Grade 9 students will have the day away from school and may use the time to complete some of their graduation required 10 hours of community service. Our Grade 12 students will also have time away from school and they may use choose to complete any loose ends on their senior projects they will be presenting in May. All teachers will be available should either group need any support.

Are you a senior planning to attend a post-secondary school in the fall? Complete the FAFSA (www.fafsa.ed.gov) now to determine your financial aid eligibility. The CCRI Promise scholarship requires this step to qualify.

The RI Association of Emergency Managers is looking for a HS student to design the logo for their upcoming conference "Rhode to Recovery". Designs are due by January 31st. See Guidance for more information.

Reminder: After emailed, Daily Announcements are posted to Senior High Web site: See link below.

A reminder that there will be a flu clinic held at the Jr/Sr High Library on Wednesday, December 5th from 4:00pm - 6:30pm. All adults and children, age 3 and older, are welcome to attend the clinic and get vaccinated at no out-of-pocket cost. Reminder: the flu is a serious, sometimes deadly disease. It is also highly contagious. Catching the flu means missing days of work and school, and possibly being hospitalized. Don’t take the risk – protect yourself and your family by getting the flu shot. If you have any questions, please call the RIDOH information line @ 401-222-5960. Thank you

Are you a senior unsure of what you are doing after high school? Are you interested in a career in shipbuilding at Electric Boat? See Mrs. Mayne in the guidance office for more details about an exciting FREE opportunity!

The Exeter-West Greenwich Jr/Sr High School Drama Clubs are proud to present Endings: A collection of scenes and monologues. This two act showcase features students from both our Junior and Senior High School Drama clubs presenting scenes and monologues written by Rhode Island native playwright Kevin Broccoli. Act One features our Junior High students presenting scenes from This Might Be It, which examines people’s reaction to news that a meteor is hurtling towards earth. In Act Two, the Senior High students will present monologues from Charlie’s Funeral. This unique production offers glimpses of the life of recently deceased Charlie Stamp through the eyes of various people throughout his life. November 30th, & December 1st at 7pm December 2nd at 2pm Exeter-West Greenwich Jr/Sr High School 930 Nooseneck Hill Rd West Greenwich RI 02817 http//www.ewgdrama.com

Happy Thanksgiving to all of our EWG families.

EWG is collecting donations of food and clothing, items can be delivered to the senior high office. Thanks for your support in helping Student Council and Owen's Eagle Scout project.

Bank of America Student Leaders®, has just launched their application for the upcoming year and is hoping to recruit high school Juniors and Seniors through this partnership. The Student Leaders® program helps connect 225 community-minded high school juniors and seniors from across the country to employment, skills development, and community service. Five Rhode Island students are selected locally and awarded a paid summer internship with a local Boys and Girls Club and participate in a national leadership summit in Washington, D.C. The Student Leaders Summit focuses on skill building and creating a more civically engaged society.
Students with a passion for leadership, a need to build confidence, or simply a desire to improve their community should check Naviance for details.

Today Juniors learned about paid summer internship opportunities as part of the PrepareRI initiative. Interested students can see Mrs. Mayne in guidance for application (which opens December 3rd) information.

Join Mr. Ward and Mr. Krom on Monday evening, starting at 6:30PM, in the auditorium for an informal Q&A around financial aid and sending students off to college.

DID YOU KNOW?....Using e-cigarettes and other vaping products is not a proven method for quitting smoking.
E-cigarettes and other vaping devices would be a preferred alternative to traditional cigarettes when used exclusively as a replacement and only among smokers who have been unable to quit smoking using proven, medically approved methods. However, there is little evidence that they reliably reduce cigarette smoking or lead to smoking cessation. In fact, the nicotine contained in e-cigarettes and other vaping products may actually perpetuate addiction, in some cases making it even harder to quit smoking.

DID YOU KNOW...Vapes contain nicotine, a highly addictive drug with known health risks.
Using nicotine, regardless of how it is delivered, increases the risk of addiction. Nicotine addiction is notoriously difficult to reverse, and use of e-cigarettes frequently leads to use of other nicotine products, including smoked cigarettes, as well as alcohol and other drugs.

Due to recent upgrades to our web pages which allows for a much broader dissemination of images, we are asking if you could please fill out the following with regards to photo use permission. Two weeks ago I sent this out and if you would like to change your response, please email me.