June 17, 2022 Good Morning Class of 2023 students and families, I am so excited and looking forward to the class of 2023 leading EWG High School next year! They have been very impressive since the day they entered high school and I know they will continue to be. One of the first official acts of being seniors is to get your senior portrait taken for the yearbook over the summer. I am thrilled to announce we have a new official photographer that will be working with you this year! We have contracted with Catherine Hellman studios for our senior portraits, the Prom, homecoming dances and our graduation next June 10 at the Ryan Center. The studio will begin by providing us with 136 available sessions. You will receive an email with how to book your session so please look for it and do so as quickly as you can so you do not miss having your portrait included in the 2023 Senior section of the yearbook. I am including the contact information for the studio for your reference. You will be getting it in their email to you but having extra information will not hurt. The information that follows will also come directly from the studio too. You will have three different session options you may choose from: 1. Complimentary Yearbook Session - All sessions will be done at the high school in Room 202 select days in July & August during the hours of 9 am - 1pm. There will be no Saturday appointments. You will receive a minimum of 4 images with various backgrounds and different poses. We also will take cap and gown photos at this time. You will be able to view your images within 7 days on an online gallery where you will select your photo choice for the yearbook and also be able to order portraits. Be sure to schedule ASAP when you receive your email. 2. Location Session at EWG High School - All done at your Exeter West Greenwich High School. You will receive a minimum of 24 images with multiple different backgrounds. You may choose 2 outfits and the session will last 30 minutes. They will also take cap and gown photos at this time. This session must be paid at time of scheduling and if inclement weather is forecasted, they will contact you to reschedule. The fee for this session is $65. These sessions are done in the afternoon hours during the week for the best lighting outdoors. You will be contacted on the exact meeting location 1 day prior to the session. Don't delay schedule it as soon as you hear from them! 3. Goddard Park Location Session - All sessions are done at the Beautiful Goddard Memorial State Park in Warwick, RI. A 30 minute session, 2 outfits and cap and gown. A minimum of 24 images with multiple different backgrounds. This session must be paid at the time of scheduling and again, if the forecast inclement weather, we will contact you to reschedule. The fee for this session is $85. These sessions are done in the afternoon for best lighting outdoors. You will be contacted 1 day prior to discuss the exact meeting location in the park. Do you have a special spot in mind? The beach you've loved since childhood, your home, or maybe a vacation spot you love. We can accommodate that too but you will need to call the studio at 401-822-4184 to schedule. As these are custom and often take up to 3 hours of time the session fee will be $200 due at time of booking. Yes! You can do a yearbook and a location session so feel free to schedule both! Portraits from any session may be used for your yearbook photo. Contact information for: Catherine and Carl Hellman phone: 401-822-4184 email: hcchphoto@aol.com email: chellmanphoto@gmail.com Please feel free to reach out to them over the summer if you have any questions once you hear from them. I anticipate great customer service! They have a wonderful reputation. Fondly, Susan Chandler, Principal
almost 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Congratulations to the new 2022-2023 EWG FFA chapter officers. During the summer the officers will be meeting to develop a program of activities for the coming school year, film a promotional video for new members and develop their mission statement for their year of service.
almost 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
FFA Officers
Wow! EWG students have completed and run their homemade electric car. Get the full report exclusively on The Mercury! www.ewgmercury.edublogs.org
almost 3 years ago, Brent Robitaille
Summer Reading is live! The EWG High School Summer Reading assignment has been posted to the English Department website. Check it out! https://sites.google.com/ewg.k12.ri.us/ewg-english/summer-reading
almost 3 years ago, Brent Robitaille
EWG English Website
Almost $70,000 in scholarships was awarded to EWG seniors at Honors Night. Congratulations to the awardees! Thank you to the generous sponsors of the scholarships. As a community, your contributions are appreciated.
almost 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Awards 1
Awards 2
Award 3
An Honorary Diploma was awarded to Ruth Gordon, owner of Delmyra Kennels, for her and her late husband's generosity to the students of EWG for the past 15 plus years. Pictured here is Ruth with her diploma and the students who were awarded scholarships from her, $8,000 dollars worth.
almost 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Honors Night
Yesterday the EWG Electric CarTeam traveled to Ninigret Criterium track forthe F24 Greenpower Electric Car Challenge. The timed endurance challenge logged two drivers. The rest of the team got to test drive. There was teamwork, last minute challenges, cooperation, safety consciousness and many more skills applied. Go EWG!
almost 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Electric Car
Congratulations to EWG future chefs Emily Raleigh, Jillian Lesinski, Rachel Andrade, and Connor Hawes for winning the Foods class burger creation contest! To get the rest of the story, visit The Mercury at www.ewgmercury.edublogs.org.
almost 3 years ago, Brent Robitaille
winning burger
It is ladybug day! The horticulture class has released 6,000 ladybugs in the EWG greenhouse to prevent any unwanted insect pests. The students have released a total of 12,000 ladybugs so far as part of their Integrated pest management plan.
almost 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Hello EWG Community The 2022 Excalibur is now on sale, follow the steps described in this email to purchase one. The yearbook is $40 and available for online purchase. Senior/parent ads are also on sale. Ad prices vary by size and purpose. Ads can be designed and purchased using the same link available for book purchases. All sales end on Tuesday, May 10th, 2022. We do not receive extra copies, so please be sure to purchase one by the deadline if you want one. If, for any reason, your family is having financial difficulties and cannot afford a yearbook at this time, please reach out to either me or Mrs. Chandler. 1. Go to https://link.entourageyearbooks.com/my/EWG2022 2. Search for your school (if there is more then one account listed, make sure 2022 is in the title). *This step should be unnecessary.* 3. Click on Buy a Yearbook. or Click on Upload Photos. 4. Fill in any required information and click Buy Yearbook. 5. LOGIN (If you don't have a login register with your email). 6. Complete the checkout process. 7. Make sure you keep the confirmation email for your records.
almost 3 years ago, Deb O'Brien
On April 10, members of the Sustainability Club helped collect over 200 lbs of trash with Save The Bay at the Weekapaug Breachway in Westerly.
almost 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Sus club
Sus club
Mr. Gregg Charest serves as a guest conductor for the SEMMEA Honors Band (South Eastern Massachusetts Music Education Association), and in the same week released a single on major streaming platforms (see photos).
almost 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Mr. Charest would like to congratulate the following students for performing at the Rhode Island All State Festival this past weekend. EWG students Congratulations to Liam Knott, Tess Zurawski, Jordan Medeiros, Kaitlyn DePietro, Morgan Beck, Emily Yoon, and Damon Durfee. All made their mark in the All State Orchestra. These students were selected from a competitive audition in order to participate, and are among the very best musicians in our state. Each group gave a concert to a packed house this past weekend at Veteran's Memorial Auditorium in Providence, RI.
almost 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
ALL State
All State
Spring is here! The horticulture students have been working hard learning to grow and manage the greenhouse. In a few weeks the greenhouse will be in full bloom.
almost 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Some of our FFA students from floriculture and horticulture competed in the Floriculture contest at Carbones. They had to take a plant id test, equipment test, team floral display as well as an on site individual arrangement challenge. Our students had fun and we all learned a lot and are excited for next year’s competition!
almost 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Floral team
Floral team
Mrs. Campbell's class helps out the Sustainability Club by weighing and delivering used plastic bags. Bags will be recycled into TREX products. Three collection boxes are located in the senior high. If you have clean bags at home, please send them in with your students.
about 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Bag Box
Bag Load up
ATTENTION SENIORS/SENIOR PARENTS: Please see the updated instructions below for sending in pictures of your senior when they were younger for the graduation ceremony at the Ryan Center. Please send 3-5 baby-to-early elementary age pictures of your senior. These will be used to create a slideshow that will play before the ceremony at the Ryan Center. Pictures can be sent to ewgseniorphoto2022@gmail.com. Please limit to 3-5 pictures per student, and include your student’s name in the subject line of the email. (PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU PREVIOUSLY FILLED OUT THE FORM FOR PICTURES, PLEASE RE-SEND YOUR PICTURES TO THE EMAIL ABOVE. We are no longer able to accept photos from the previous form.)
about 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
On Friday, February 11, EWG's DECA chapter competed at the RI State DECA Competition. Wyatt Fehsenfeld, Caroline Fortin, Madison Rathbun, John Kominski, Alessandro Laquale, and Felicia Dimartino all had strong showings. EWG took 1st (Alex Laquale) and 2nd (John Kominski) in the Accounting Applications event. Madison Rathbun and Felicia Dimartino placed 2nd and 3rd respectively in the Personal Finance Principles event. Madison Rathbun also earned distinction by earning the highest score in the state on the written portion of the Personal Finance Principles event. If you see them, congratulate them on a job well done
about 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Project Based Learning at EWG! A group of students are currently building and prepping an electric car for a racing competition against Chariho! EWG is partnering with GreenpowerUSA in order to expose students to engineering, 3D modeling, math, science and technology. This is a hands-on engineering project where students will learn CAD software, designing, data analysis, reflective journaling, innovation and cooperation. The race will be held in the beginning of May!
about 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Murphy 1
Vraj Patel, Ana Simonini, Simone LeClercq, Brielle Bamberry, Julia Kiernan and Angelina Periera took part in the 75th Annual Model Legislature at the RI State House. Working with students across the state, and often working in bipartisan fashion, our students reminded us that when it comes to discussing politics, adults can learn a lot about civility and respect from teens. Congratulations on a job well done!
about 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
EWG Delegation