Want to explore a college or enrichment course? Registration for the Advanced Course Network is open until November 15th. Visit RICourseChoice.org to browse the available options.
over 5 years ago, Stacy Haines-Mayne
SHS Trunk or Treat- See attached Sign up to purchase a spot at: https://forms.gle/DycjyurueeGCauyt6
over 5 years ago, Michael Walsh
Trunk or Treat 2019 Flyer
2019 SHS Spirit Week Themes- 10/15/19-10/18/19
over 5 years ago, Michael Walsh
2019 SHS Spirit Week Themes
There will be a Trunk or Treat on Friday, Oct 25 at 5pm at the Senior High School. $5 for kids (adults free). $20 to park and decorate your car ($15 for Class of 2020). Complete this form: https://forms.gle/XrfwVQLVK5A2q8zt9 if you would like to park/ decorate your car.
over 5 years ago, Michael Walsh
EWGHS addresses bullying annually on the first day of school and discourages it daily with reminders of our core values. However, should you need to report a bullying situation, please see the following link for EWG's bullying reporting form and policy: https://t.ly/60zBb
over 5 years ago, Christopher Anthony
Have a senior heading to college? Complete the FAFSA now at www.fafsa.ed.gov to be eligible for financial aid. Have questions? Join us in the in the auditorium next Thursday evening at 6. Can't make that? Attend a workshop hosted by Senator Reed at Cranston West on Monday at 6.
over 5 years ago, Stacy Haines-Mayne
Class of 2020- Order your spirit day senior class t-shirts at www.rhodytees.com/ewghigh. Last day to order is Friday, October 4. See Mr. Walsh in rm 210 with questions/ concerns.
over 5 years ago, Michael Walsh
Homecoming Dance tickets will be on sale for $15 during the week of Oct 7-Oct 11 and $20 during the week of Oct 14-Oct 18. Event: Saturday, October 19, SHS Gym Pictures- 6:30pm; Dance/DJ- 7-10pm Concessions available for purchase; free water available all evening.
over 5 years ago, Michael Walsh
Join the school counseling department on October 10th from 6-8pm in the auditorium for a Financial Aid information session sponsored by the College Planning Center.
over 5 years ago, Stacy Haines-Mayne
Support EWG's fall yard sale: October 5, 2019. Everyone will be there! Please click for more info: http://bit.ly/2mhaqjI
over 5 years ago, Brent Robitaille
All students are invited to attend the College Fair at McCoy Stadium on 9/23 starting at 6pm. To register and view a list of colleges attending visit www.cpcri.org
over 5 years ago, Stacy Haines-Mayne
EWGHS addresses bullying annually on the first day of school and discourages it daily with reminders of our core values. However, should you need to report a bullying situation, please see the following link for EWG's bullying reporting form and policy: https://t.ly/60zBb
over 5 years ago, Christopher Anthony
Dear Families, In response to the recent advisory from the RI Department of Health and the RI Interscholastic League regarding the threat of mosquitoes carrying EEE, we have taken several steps to help protect our student-athletes. To the greatest extent possible, our teams will be off the field approximately thirty minutes before sunset. In addition, on Sunday, September 1st we are having all of our game and practice fields treated with an organic mosquito spray. Though we do not have control over the scheduling of away matches and games, coaches will be reminding players to use EPA-approved bug spray and to wear long sleeves and long pants whenever possible. Please do not hesitate to contact the athletic department if you have any questions,
over 5 years ago, Craig Main
A message from the health office : For Students: Students who have inhalers or EpiPens in the health office, don’t forget to pick them up before you leave for the summer.
almost 6 years ago, Deb O'Brien
Summer is almost here! That means it's time to start thinking about summer reading. ALL High School students must read at least one book this summer and complete a related assignment. For full information, please visit https://bit.ly/2KcRiNx.
almost 6 years ago, Brent Robitaille
On Wednesday, May 29th at 6:00 in the high school auditorium we will be holding a Fall Sports Sign-up Night. All parents with children who wish to try out for our Fall sports teams should attend the meeting. We will be providing all required paperwork followed by breakout sessions with coaches. The Fall sports season starts on August 19th, before the start of the school year. (Football starts on August 12th.) Fall sports include: Football, Boys and Girls Soccer, Boys and Girls Cross Country, Girls Tennis, Girls Volleyball, and Cheerleading. Additional information will be sent out this week. Please feel free to email any questions to: craig_main@ewg.k12.ri.us
almost 6 years ago, Deb O'Brien
The EWG XQ+RI design team seeks answers to the question, "If you could build a school that was specifically designed for how children learn, what would it look like, sound like, and feel like?" Parents and community members are invited to respond at https://bit.ly/30z116K
almost 6 years ago, Art Searle
Today is the LAST DAY for students to shop the Scholastic Book Fair in the SHS Multi-purpose room. Don't miss out on great titles, accessories, etc.
almost 6 years ago, Michael Walsh
EWG Horticulture Science Plant Sale - Saturday, May 4th and May 11th from 8am until 2pm at EWG Senior High School. 100% of the proceeds benefit the students and programs at EWG.
almost 6 years ago, EWG District Admin
EWG Horticulture students
Watering the plants
Plants for sale
Plants for sale
Jr/ Sr Scholastic Book Fair has been extended to Monday, May 6! Many great titles for students in grades 7-12. Don't miss out! Online shopping available through May 7 at: http://www.scholastic.com/bf/exeterwgreenwichjrhs
almost 6 years ago, Michael Walsh