over 4 years ago, Deb O'Brien
Bus Schedules have been published on the district website.
over 4 years ago, EWG JSHS Admin
School Bus
Senior Sendoff on YouTube.
almost 5 years ago, EWG District Admin
EWG Graduation on YouTube. Congratulations to the class of 2020!
almost 5 years ago, EWG District Admin
almost 5 years ago, Deb O'Brien
EWG's summer reading list is now live! No project this year, but we hope that you still spend some quality time with a good book. Check out the list here:
almost 5 years ago, Brent Robitaille
Get Ready for the live virtual Class of 2020 Graduation Video.
almost 5 years ago, Deb O'Brien
The U.S. Presidential Scholars Program was established in 1964, by Executive Order of the President, to recognize and honor some of our Nation’s most distinguished graduating seniors. Annually, up to 161 students are chosen from among tens of thousands of outstanding seniors to become U.S. Presidential Scholars, one of the Nation’s highest honors for high school students. This year's Rhode Island Presidential Scholar and only Exeter-West Greenwich student to win the honor is, Alexander Jedson. We could not be prouder of Alex and his accomplishment in winning the Nation's highest honor.
almost 5 years ago, Susan Chandler
Good luck - EWG E-Sports Team has their state championship game today later against Hendricken High School.
almost 5 years ago, Deb O'Brien
The EWG Plant Sale! We will be having our annual EWG Plant Sale this week from Wednesday -Friday, 3 to 5pm. This year will be a little different because we will be doing a pre order and pick up sale. Below is a link that takes you to the order form! As always, this sale helps to run the horticulture class and greenhouse the following year. Any profit made on the sale helps to run different programs in our district, such as the chicken program at Linheman, the Project Based Learning projects at the high school, and has helped give money for enrichment materials at Wawaloam. 100% of this sale goes back to our students! On the order form below, please pick a date and time that you would like to pick up your order. We will pre box it and place your name on it outside of the greenhouse during the sale. Due to social distancing, we cannot have anyone in the greenhouse at this time. Please adhere to the time you chose on the form. We accept cash or checks. Checks can be made out to EWG and in the memo section of your check, please write greenhouse! Thank you so much for your support for this program! Here is the link! If you have any questions, please email me at
almost 5 years ago, Deb O'Brien
The Jr/Sr High School English Department is sponsoring a K-12 Virtual Book Fair through Scholastic from April 22-May 4. Shop online at:
almost 5 years ago, Michael Walsh
Twelve more days to order a yearbook, upload photos, or place a sponsorship! See today!
almost 5 years ago, Art Searle
The Class of 2020 presents Virtual Spirit Week (Apr 13-16) Mon- Funny Hat Day Tues- Pet Day Wed- Sports Day Thurs- Class Color Day Take a selfie each day and DM to Class of 2020 Instagram (@ewg2020) w/ hashtag #EWGSTRONG
almost 5 years ago, Michael Walsh
Virtual Spirit Week
K-12 Statewide Duck Stamp ceremony is cancelled.
about 5 years ago, Deb O'Brien
The Class of 2020 will be selling Valentine Gram orders (carnation with a heart-shaped card attached) from Mon Feb 10--Thurs Feb 13. Single- $2, Half dozen- $8, Dozen-$12. See a member of senior class council or Mr Walsh in room 210. Grams will be available on Feb 14.
about 5 years ago, Michael Walsh
Check out a few of EWG's rising stars with the latest production from our TV studio -- "Reading with Robitaille." Today's episodes, "Lord of the Flies" and "A Room with a View," can be viewed on EWG's Youtube feed and on the English Department page.
over 5 years ago, Brent Robitaille
SENIORS-- Check out the Class of 2020 online apparel store at First ordering window closes on November 30 Contact Mr. Walsh if there are any questions.
over 5 years ago, Michael Walsh
EWG Students: Interested in playing in a 3v3 basketball tournament on Monday, Nov 25? Email Zachary Chase at to sign up. Cost is $5; Details attached on flyer. $1 admission for anyone who would like to watch!
over 5 years ago, Michael Walsh
3v3 Basketball Tournament Flyer
SCREEN AGERS Next Chapter Uncovering skills for stress resilience BY: WHEN: WHERE: TICKETS: Exeter-West Greenwich Schools 11/21/2019 6:30 PM EWG Jr/Sr High School Free to all
over 5 years ago, Deb O'Brien
There is still time to register a spot for the Class of 2020 Trunk or Treat. Register at:
over 5 years ago, Michael Walsh