SENIORS!!! Spirit Day T-Shirts are on sale now until Friday. See Ms. Nardi in s-21 to order yours.
over 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
10th grade students Violet Potter and Isabella Brown developing skill with using micropipets. These tools are considered the workhorse of molecular biology.
over 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Science teacher, Gwynne Millar, spent 2 days on Prudence Island at the Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Preserve studying estuaries. The Teachers on the Estuary (TOTE) program is sponsored by NOA. There she tagged Monarch butterflies, collected data on estuary health and the impact due to climate change and used a seine net to identify and count beneficial organisms as an indicator of estuary health. She plans to take some students to the preserve in the spring to help them better understand human impact on the environment and about the collaborative efforts among many federal, state and local organizations working to protect and restore these vital habitats.
over 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
On Tuesday, October 5th, The EWG Sustainability Club will earn an extra 10% on all sales with Tru Earth. Use the link to order your earth friendly, sustainable laundry detergent sheets and other sustainable products.
over 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Sustainability Club Fundraiser.
Class of 2024 Trunk or Treat. Thursday, Oct 28, 2021 Enjoy "trunk or treating," games, and a bake sale! Admission: $5 per child. Adults/ Infants are free! Interested in decorating your car? Fill out this registration form:
over 3 years ago, Michael Walsh
2024 Trunk or Treat
The EWG Floriculture class has been learning about floriculture in different time periods and how those times and arrangement styles have had an influence on modern day floriculture. The students in the pictures below made time style arrangements to go along with their presentations. In addition, today we learned to make armatures from grape vines and wisteria to create a more modern bouquet using natural vine materials that they used in colonial times. The students did a great job with their time period pieces and their more modern arrangements! I love their creativity! Nice job to all of the floriculture students on their projects!
over 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
The Superintendent of Schools has awarded Avery LeBlanc and Aidan Thompson the Award for Academic Growth and Student Leadership in Learning. The award is presented to two high school seniors who, in the Superintendent's opinion, have consistently pursued a high level of academic effort, and who have also served as positive role models for the student body. Recipients of the award exemplify admirable character and accomplishment.
over 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
L: Aidan Thompson R: Avery LeBlanc
Culinary students learned how to make fruit pizza. I wonder if they tasted as good as they look! WOW!
over 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
Fruit Pizza from Culinary Arts Students
Looks Yummy!
EWG High School Model Legislature will have its first meeting next Monday after school at 1:50 in Room 215. It will run about 20 minutes. Old and new members are welcome. Liberals and Conservatives are welcome. The goal is for individuals to craft bills of interest to them and see them all the way through the legislative process.
over 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
The EWG Sustainability Club is holding a fundraiser to support their composting project. Use the link to order sustainable laundry sheets and other environmentally friendly household products. 20% of new sales will go to the club
over 3 years ago, Gwynne Millar
The Class of 2024 is selling face masks until September 13. Masks cost $15 and will help offset the cost of class activities and events for the Class of 2024. Masks come in sizes Youth Small to Adult Large/ Extra Large. Masks are expected to be delivered on or near September 29. To order, copy and paste the following URI:
over 3 years ago, Michael Walsh
EWG Face Mask
Happy summer, everyone! As a reminder, the summer reading assignment for all students in grades 9-12 is found on the English Department website (linked below). Please direct all questions regarding this assignment to Mr. Robitaille at
over 3 years ago, Brent Robitaille
Seniors! Be sure to order your class day shirts and sweatshirts! Sales end May 6th!
almost 4 years ago, Michael Walsh
Support the Class of 2021! Come in to the Chipotle at 1200 Quaker Ln in East Greenwich on Saturday, April 24th between 4:00pm and 8:00pm. Show or mention the attached flyer, and Chipotle will donate 33% of the proceeds to The Class of 2021!
almost 4 years ago, Michael Walsh
2021 Chipotle Fundraiser Notice
Did you know that EWG SHS has a Facebook & Twitter page? Follow us on Facebook (@Ewgshs) and Twitter (@EwgHigh).
about 4 years ago, Michael Walsh
EXETER WEST GREENWICH PREVENTION COALITION PRESS RELEASE Exeter West Greenwich Youth Address Substance Use in Silver Award Feb. 24, 2012- The Exeter West Greenwich Wellness Coalition hosted two very special guests at their monthly coalition meeting. Kaitlyn DiPietro and Emma Ruggieri, both ninth grade students at Exeter West Greenwich High School, presented their Girls Scout Silver Award to the coalition. The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. Scouts demonstrate that they are a leader who is organized, determined, and dedicated to improving the community. Earning the award puts these scouts among an exceptional group of girls who have used their knowledge and leadership skills to make a difference in the world. Ms. DiPietro and Ms. Ruggieri logged over 55 hours each working with a mentor, Mrs. Pearson. They researched the topic of substance use and put together a website with information about the risks of alcohol, marijuana, and electronic cigarettes/vapes. They also created posters with QR codes that bring the reader to the online website. The youth demonstrated that the material will be sustainable as it is in electronic format, not simply paper and pen. The EWG Wellness Coalition has a mission to prevention substance use and promote wellness across the lifespan. Coordinator Dr. Paul Mangino expressed his gratitude for the excellent materials and hard work the two put into this project. Joyce Anderle, Student Assistance Counselor at the school, works with both students and was incredibly impressed with their work and the presentation. “These fourteen year old girls are more like twenty four years olds in their wisdom and maturity.” As to why they chose substance use as a topic for their silver award, Emma and Kaitlyn stated “We really wanted to do something that we have been affected by. Many of our friends and family have struggled with drug or substance use in one shape or another, which led us to our project idea.” The coalition members invited the youth to continue to work with the coalition to address youth substance use together. The material can be found here:
about 4 years ago, Deb O'Brien, in conjunction with Khan Academy and sponsored by RIDE, is providing real tutors in real time! These tutors will support students over the age of 13 with math and SAT prep at NO COST to you. Sign up at
about 4 years ago, Stacy Haines-Mayne
Exeter/W.Greenwich Junior/Senior High School Vaping Information Contest. Please answer the fifteen True/False questions and enter to win a $25 Amazon gift certificate by 12/3/20. Please contact your Student Assistance counselor with any questions regarding this survey.
over 4 years ago, Deb O'Brien
The College Crusade of Rhode Island presents FAFSA FEST on October 17 from 10-3 @ Bank Newport City Center - Providence Rink. Advisors will be there to support students & families in completing the FAFSA. Registration required, see your counselor for a link!
over 4 years ago, Stacy Haines-Mayne